I’m a passionate Linux user and I love the free/libre and open source idea. Wherever possible, I use such software (FLOSS). So far, I’ve managed to find suitable FLOSS to help me get my work and all of my daily tasks done professionally and efficiently. What I particularly like about it: There is a huge community behind all of it who will gladly help you with any problems you may have, plus: most of it is free of costs, so I can spend the money I save for the licences and support I don’t have to pay on green (without nuclear) energy, a bank that is focussed on common welfare, a more sustainable lifestyle, the development of more free software or whatever else is important to me.
I also respect and value data privacy a lot. That is why you won’t find me on Facebook or WhatsApp and why I do my best to stay out of the way of Google and Co. My preferred means of digital communication is e-mail, and I offer my customers the possibility of encrypted mailing. Download my public key.
More about FLOSS
Try out how it feels to be part of a free, libre and open digital world. I have put together three links that, in my opinion, make the advantages of and ethic motives for using FLOSS clear and also delve into the differences between free software and open software.
And here is a list of software and more you might find useful. Get an overview on Wikipedia or visit their websites directly:
Firefox.org/LibreWolf.net (web browser), Chromium (alternative to Google Chrome)
Thunderbird.net (e-mail client)
LibreOffice.org (office package)
Fediverse (a truly social media platform, including Mastodon and Pixelfed)
GIMP.org (image editing), Scribus.net (desktop publishing and layouting), Inkscape.org (vector-images)
OmegaT.org (computer-assisted translation tool)
Last, but not least: Here is an initiative I would like to promote – Public money, public code – It’s our money after all, why should we not have the right to see what we pay for?